The Power of Crystals
The Power of Crystals
Have you ever collected rocks?
Ever since I was a young girl I collected rocks. There's something about rocks that I find soothing. Rocks have stories. When I find one, I begin to wonder, "how old is this rock, who has come across it, what has it seen in it's lifetime?" There's a connection with nature, and I admire it's strength in it's ability to endure time.
I used to have a big rock collection. My friends would travel and bring me back rocks from exotic places as gifts upon their return. Eventually in one of my home moves, I left them behind. However, I still receive rocks from my kids and grandkids and hold on to those.
Crystals, are their own unique type of rocks,
I started collecting crystals when I was in high school and keep them all throughout my house. Crystals collect the universe's energy within and shares it with it's environment. I use crystals in many ways.
I keep a bowl of Hematite stones near my desk and massage them when I need grounding.
I have a large Amethyst stone in the shape of a bowl and keep my jewelry in it for days before I wear it.
I have crystal necklaces, bracelets and earrings.
I hang crystals in each bedroom and in hallways just outside each door. This nourishes the love and relationships within those rooms.
I keep Rose Quartz in the shape of an Angel by my bedside to support unconditional love for myself.
I keep a small dish of crystal pieces on my dresser and depending on my mood, will carry one in my pocket for the day. Running it through my fingers provides me the additional support I may need. I also like to think I'm taking it out for an adventure to collect some new energy.
I'm not a crystal expert, so I have a book on crystals and their healing powers. And when I am in need of something specific, I look up what stone I should look for to help me.
Caring for your crystals.
Every few months I carefully wash my crystals with cool water and pat dry with paper towels. This clears them of dust and also clears them of negative energy that may have collected from the environment it's in.
To learn more, I've invited Everyday Being Circle Partner, Marnie Vincolisi, to share her blog "How to Find the Message in a Crystal".
Marnie Vincolisi
When you take a hike this summer pick up a rock and tune in and learn how to find the message in a crystal or a rock.
Crystals and rocks have qualities that can heal, calm, and guide if you only stop and feel.
Do you find whether you are walking on the beach or in the forest your attention is often drawn to a rock at your feet? It could be the color or sparkle that grabs your attention but there is something else that makes you aware of its presence. This gem is talking to you!

What lays at your feet?
The rock is asking to be picked up. Perhaps it wants to share its qualities with you or maybe it wants to be moved to a new location. After all, it does not have legs.
Looking for what is at your feet is a fun activity for children but I have seen many adults and elderly people reaching down to discover what is along their path. I rarely see them throw their findings away. So let’s look at what the most common gems you will find while trekking across your continent this summer.
Messages in Crystals
Quartz Crystals – stand out because they grow in veins along the side of rocky trails where their frosty white color shines in the sunlight
. The clear quartz takes digging to find but they all hold similar qualities.
Master healer
Balances physical, mental, emotional and, spiritual planes
Aids in manifestation
Clarity of the mind
Mica and Pyrite– when you notice something glittering on the ground you will know you have found pyrite or mica embedded in other rocks.
Provides growth and flexibility
Supports the process of releasing emotional pain
Builds the immune system
Agate– there are many colors in this rock so often you will find variations of black, white, pink, and red.
Harmonizes yin and yang, positive and negative forces of the universe.
Cleanses the lymphatic system
Heals skin disorders
Rose Quartz – the color is frosty pink, sometimes almost white and if you are lucky you will find ones with deep intense color.
Restores trust and harmony
Purifies and opens the heart
Emotional healing
Don’t let summer pass you by without making friends with the gifts that lay at your feet. Reach down, pick up a rock because you now know how to find the message in a crystal or a rock and you might see that keeping them with you for the rest of the year has many benefits.
Let Marnie help you understand the meaning of what is laying at your feet. Book A Session Now